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About Us

Founded by Sadrina Campbell to provide a one-stop-shop of models for the fashion industry and it's many genres.

The site and models are managed by Sadrina and Isabelle Richards.

As a low cost, high profit agency - we do everything ourselves from scouting to bookings.  And only if we find quality slipping will we consider taking on more staff.

Isabelle acts mainly as model scout and casting look out

and Sadrina maintains the site and handles bookings.
But if you get an email regarding any of the above - it could be from either of us

We met in 2011 as colleagues and our friendship formed quickly due to our business acumen and tenacity to succeed and help others suceed.

Ask us anything, we don't bite.

Despite our relaxed way of communicating - we are dedicated, professional and we know our stuff.

I hope that we can be of service.





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